
Clifford S. F. Lee

Supervisor - Asbestos

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As 1 of the only 4 laboratories in Hong Kong that provides Asbestos Identification & Monitoring, our comprehensive analytical services are provided to the asbestos abatement industry in the form of airborne fibre monitoring and bulk sample identification.


ETL’s Asbestos team was one of the first few laboratories to provide commercial airborne fibre and bulk sample testing in Hong Kong and has over 30 years experience in providing services both on-site and in our laboratories.


For further information or to receive a quote, please contact the Asbestos team

Asbestos Identification
  • On-Site Bulk Sampling
  • Polarized Light Microscopy with Dispersion Staining Technique
  • Determination of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) by Gravimetric Reduction and Point Counting Method
Asbestos Monitoring
  • On-Site Airborne Dust Sampling for Asbestos Fibre Monitoring
  • Fibre Counting on Membrane Filter by Phase Contrast Microscope to Calculate the Fibre Concentration in Air

Job Reference

Asbestos Identification

Date: January 2022 to present

Division: Asbestos

Project: Consultancy for Investigation of Asbestos Containing Materials in Government Properties - Bulk Sampling & Identification of Asbestos

Client: Architectural Services Department

Asbestos Identification

Date: February 2024 to present

Division: Asbestos

Project: Conversion of Industrial Buildings & School Premises for Transitional Housing Projects

Client: MET Green Consulting (HK) Ltd.

Asbestos Monitoring

Date: January 2022 to present

Division: Asbestos

Project: Materials Testing Service Term Contract 2022-2024 for Maintenance & Building Materials (Package D2) - Asbestos Testing & Monitoring

Client: Hong Kong Housing Authority

Asbestos Monitoring

Date: April to December 2023

Division: Asbestos

Project: Demolition of Shek Lei Interim Housing (Contract No. 20220192)

Client: Tysan Foundation Ltd.